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Sunday 10 September 2017

Major Signs You Are Not Being True To Your Partner

One major thing relationship experts always lay emphasizes on is the importance of
communication in relationship and marriages because when there is no communication between couples there will always be a misunderstanding between them and both will end up not being real with eachother.
There are thousands of ways to solve communication problem with your partner and make both of you open up more which will make your relationship better.
Listed below are 3 major ways you are not being real with your partner.
Jealousy and Trust: “There are so many relationships that are filled with jealousy and mistrust, most of these are due to someone being hurt in a past relationship and they now have trouble dealing with their feelings appropriately so if you find yourself having these trust issues you need to sit back and think about your current relationship and do not compare it to past relationships because they are not the person you dated before; think about all of the things that your new partner does that instills trust in you and lets you know that there is nothing to be jealous about”.
Conflict: “Are you someone that avoids conflict whenever possible? this is something that needs to be addressed because there is always going to be conflict in a relationship and if you feel an argument coming on you cannot change the subject or give in every single time, you will lose a lot of yourself this way and you will never be able to have your voice heard and learn to face the conflict head on in a calm and rational manner”.
Blame and Criticism: “If you find that you blame others for things that you really want to blame yourself for or if you criticize them for things that you would criticize yourself for you are avoiding a deeper issue that probably stemmed from your childhood, as you grow older you constantly beat yourself up for wanting to do things differently but end up projecting that criticism onto other people so learn to love who you are and allow yourself to be the real you instead of the person that you think you have to be”.
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